Spanish Reading Group *New!*


February 9, 2017 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

Do you want to try reading books in Spanish? Does speaking your mind in Spanish feel good? Want to have discussion with like-minded people in Spanish? Want to discuss ideas—in Spanish?Then this group is for you! Come to our information meeting and see what we have in store.

¿Tegustaleer librosenespañol? ¿Tegustahablarenespañoly lo quierespracticar? ¿Quiereshablarcon otraspersonas igualque tú? ¿Teencantaríaentablarendebates con otrosenespañol? ¡Entoncesestegrupoespara ti! Únetea nuestrareunióninformativapara enterartede másdetalles.

For more information, please contact Fullerton College Librarian, Mr. Valentin Macias,

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