District Staff Development: Community Cultural Wealth (CCW) and Funds of Knowledge


February 23, 2018 8:00 am - 2:30 pm

This workshop is open ONLY to NOCCCD faculty and staff.
To register for these events, please go to myGateway District-Wide Staff Development Calendar.

Faculty & Staff Training -This series will offer a variety of workshops and trainings by current researchers and experts in areas of pluralism, cultural diversity competence, and inclusion. The NOCCCD serves a diverse student population and is made up of diverse faculty and staff, thus providing cultural diversity training is imperative to foster an inclusive and respectful community.

Community Cultural Wealth (CCW) and Funds of Knowledge (FK) – Friday 2/23 & Saturday 2/24, FC-Room 1426, 8am to 2:30pm

Presented by Juana Mora, Ph.D. And Luis Gustavo Giraldo, Ph.D.

The purpose of this workshop is to support community college faculty toward innovating teaching practices that are grounded in the principles of social justice and higher education as a civil right. This program provides the theoretical foundation on issues surrounding pluralism where statistical and historical data will be provided to foster an understanding of diversity/differences that make up our pluralistic community at the community college. This workshop is rooted in the theories of Funds of Knowledge and Community Cultural Wealth, which acknowledge the capital/life experiences students bring into the classroom. These capital/life experiences are used to build upon and transform the curriculum and dynamically engage students.


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